acro -cyanosis

acro -cyanosis
акроасфиксия; акроцианоз
цианоз конечностей

English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. . 2007.

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Смотреть что такое "acro -cyanosis" в других словарях:

  • Acrocyanosis — Blueness of the extremities (the hands and feet). Acrocyanosis is typically symmetrical. It is marked by a mottled blue or red discoloration of the skin of the fingers and wrists and the toes and ankles and by profuse sweating and coldness of the …   Medical dictionary

  • acrocyanosis — /ak roh suy euh noh sis/, n. Pathol. cyanosis of the extremities, characterized by blueness and coldness of the fingers and toes. [ < NL; see ACRO , CYANOSIS] * * * ▪ pathology       bluish discoloration of the hands caused by spasms in… …   Universalium

  • акроасфиксия — акроцианоз Цианоз конечностей [ Eng Rus.pdf] Тематики биотехнологии Синонимы акроцианоз EN acro cyanosis …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • acroparesthesia — 1. Paresthesia of one or more of the extremities. 2. Nocturnal paresthesia involving the hands, most often of middle aged women; formerly attributed to a lesion in the thoracic outlet, but now known to be a classic symptom of carpal tunnel… …   Medical dictionary

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